Say goodbye to hours of adding keywords and tags manually Our system adds 100 searchable tags for each of your images in seconds
Browse all your locations in one map
Search by AI generated keywords or local place names to find the most relevant location(s) you have on file for any project.
Folders and sharing tools that match how you work
Share specific images and information with colleagues for limited amounts of time.
Share notes, favourites, and thoughts, all in one place, to avoid constant messy email threads.
All your most valuable info at a glance
Store all of your contact details & notes alongside each location, making sure you know when & how to get in touch with each host immediately, and what to expect when using their location.
All your data belongs to you
We are providing the platform in exchange for a monthly fee. Every image, bit of text, contact detail, note, and anything else you upload to the website belongs to you.
Our Vision
Our mission is to build technology that saves you time! So you can focus on the human elements of your work.
SuperScout is software that supercharges your private locations database. Built in partnership with global location teams, for location scouts, managers, agencies, and production companies.