We’re constantly working to make SuperScout more powerful for you. In our most recent update, we added some user-requested features: share link defaults and tag edits.
Don't know what a share link is? Learn more here
If you click your profile icon, you'll find a new menu option: "Share link defaults."
The settings you add here will be applied to every share link you ever create. You can always override defaults on each share link you create, on a case by case basis, by clicking the setting button in the top right.
We will add more share link defaults in the future, but today there are 2:
If you turn this on, the clients you send your share link to will be able to download the content you share with them, directly to their computer.
They will receive a zip file which will contain a series of folders mimicking the layout of your share link.
To keep your location data secure, all the files are compressed to remove any EXIF (identifying) data, and the file names are replaced with random characters. Only the collections, locations, and photos that you set to 'visible' in your share link, will be added to this download.
We've had a number of requests from users, who have asked for the ability to add text under their share link logo. Some people want to add their contact details. Some people have asked for a place to put a copyright notice.
So we created a customisable text field here that allows you to put whatever you want, with a max of 200 characters. You can also add links to make it easy for people to get in touch with you.
This text will show up on every page of your share link except gallery view, right under your logo/name.
Want someone to be able to click your email and have it automatically open a new email to you on their computer? You can use a "mailto" link to do this.
Add a link like you normally might, but instead of adding "https://(website)" simply add the text "mailto:(your_email)" - here's an example: Email me.
Do you run most of your business on WhatsApp? You can create a WhatsApp link for a quick way for people to message you without having to type your number into their phone. Add your number inc country code to the end of this link: "https://wa.me/(your_number)" - Example: https://wa.me/+447457410936
Use both of these tips in your key text, to give people quick ways of contacting you, directly from your SuperScout share link.
Not a SuperScout user yet?
Learn how you can manage your locations database here.
Another highly requested feature, was the ability to tweak the automatically generated tags. Both by removing ones that are less relevant, as well as adding your own custom ones.
With this new system, you can remove any irrelevant tags with a simple click of a button, or easily add new ones. IF you try and add a tag that's already there, it won't work - it doesn't accept duplicates.
If for some reason your photo did not get tagged (as can happen occasionally) you also have the ability to add it back in to the tagging queue manually. You don't have to stay on the image for this to work - keep working and the next time you look at that image, it'll probably be tagged.
That sums up our update of share link defaults and tag edits.
While that's all we have for today, there's a lot more coming in the next few weeks!
And if you want to learn about more systems within SuperScout, you can always check our brand new FAQs
Gabriel & the Team at SuperScout